GDPR Information
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We believe that any patient we are in currently in contact with via text messaging has given us formal consent to contact them about their appointments and healthcare information. We have this recorded in your clinical record.
However, we want to remind you of your rights to withdraw this consent at any time. If you believe you have not given us formal consent or wish to withdraw your consent for the practice to communicate with you in this way, please contact the practice reception team and we will remove you from this service.
Please remember that we rely on you keeping us up to date with your correct telephone contact information in order that we do not send messages to the incorrect number.

GDPR puts a greater onus on us to ensure that patients fully understand our policy for sharing health related information and your rights within this process. It is therefore important for us to reiterate to patients that the sharing of medical information is only provided in order to better improve your care. We will not share your medical information with any third party provider of care should you not wish us to do so.
Below are a list of documents informing you of how we manage your data and the processes our staff work to. Every employee of the NHS has a legal responsibility to treat patient records in the strictest confidence and access to your records are fully auditable.
We also believe it important that patients have full confidence in our working processes so if you have any concerns about GDPR and what this means for you, please contact the Business or Practice Manager.