Greener Practice
About Greener Practice
Greener Practice is a network created to help GPs raise awareness of the health benefits of climate action. It started in 2017 in South Yorkshire and has since grown to become nationwide, aiming to take practical steps towards greener and more sustainable practice. We are hoping to attain our bronze award for the Green Impact For Health Toolkit (GIFH) by 2022.
At Ecclesfield Group Practice we are aiming to reduce our carbon footprint and help meet the government's target of Net-Zero emmissions by 2050. Climate change poses serious risks for the health of our patients, and we aim to reduce these risks as far as possible.
To find out more, visit Greener Practice - For Patients.

What We're Doing to Help
To help reduce emissions and improve patient care, we're currently doing the following:
- Gathering information to calculate our carbon footprint- helping us identify the areas where we can reduce.
- Educating staff and patients on greener precribing, helping switch to equally effective inahlers which release less greenhouse gases.
- Educating staff on fuel poverty, something that is becoming a wider issue as fuel-prices rise.
- Switching staff to "Ecosia", the search engine that plants trees.
- Using environemtnally friendly cleaning products where possible.
What you can do to Help
If you're interested in reducing your emissions, heres a few things you can do:
- Ensure you're making full use of your inhalers before getting rid of them- and when you are finished, see if your local pharmacy is recycling them.
- If you find yourself not using all of your medication, have a discussion with your doctor about changing your precriptions.
- Ensure correct inhaler usage: AsthmaUK - Using Your Inhaler.
- Calculate your own carbon footprint here: WWF - Carbon Footprint Calculator.
- Make the easy switch from your current search-engine to Ecosia, the search engine which plants trees.
- If possible, use public transport, walk, or bike when you need to travel short distances.
- Try and reduce your meat intake.