Sick/Fit Note Certificates

Sick Notes

Temporary Change to self-certification

Since 10 December, there has been a change to the self-certification rules for patients who need a ‘fit note’ for their employer. An unwell employee does not need to give a ‘fit note’ or other note of sickness from a medical professional, if they are off work for 28 days or less. It used to be seven days.

This is a temporary measure and has been introduced to alleviate some of the burdens on GP practices, allowing them to focus on the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

More information about the changes can be found here:

Doctor’s Sick/Fit Note for more than 7 days

If you have been ill for more than 7 days you will need a doctor’s certificate. These certificates are called ‘Fitness to Work’ Certificates.

The doctor may call you or arrange for an appointment.

If you have already been seen by your Doctor about this illness your certificate will be sent to you within a week.